Natural Cork Stoppers

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Natural cork stoppers are 100% natural and they are obtained from the best Portuguese cork.

To protect the corks natural structure and ensure superior technical performance, the latest technology is used in the sterilization, cleaning and refinement of this type of cork closure.

The natural cork stopper characteristics (elasticity and low permeability to liquids and gases) provide the optimum regulation in the exchange of gases between the bottle and the outside environment, avoiding rapid oxidation.

Due these characteristics this type of cork gives an important contribution to the refinement of the wine during the wine aging process.

If you require bespoke sizes, branding or if you have any techincal question please do not hesitate to contact our sales office.
Name Specification Method
Cork Origin Portugal -
Height Tolerance ± 0.4 mm NP 2803-1 / ISO 9727-1
Diameter Tolerance ± 0.4 mm NP 2803-1 / ISO 9727-1
Ovality < 0,5 mm NP 2803-1
Moisture Content 4% - 8% NP 2803-2 / ISO 9727-3
Uncorking Strength 20 – 40 DaN NP 2803-4 / ISO 9727-5
Capillarity ≤ 2 mm ME 6
Diameter Recovery after Compression Superior to 90% after 5 minutes ISO 9727-4
Liquid sealing capacity 0.9 to 1.2 Bar (90 to 120 kPa) of internal pressure ISO 9727-6
Peroxide content < 0.1 mg / cork NP 4296 / ISO 21128
Surface treatment ± 4 mg / cork ME 10
Dust content < 1,5 mg / cork ISO 9727-7
Humidity 5% – 8% ISO 9727-3
TCA ≤ 1 ng/l ISO 20752 / DIS 20752
Sensorial analysis Absence of anomalous odors ISO 22308